Darkest Path

Carmen Santos, a marine researcher exploring derelict oil rigs off the Nicobar Islands, is mysteriously transported to a strange an unfamiliar land during a dive. Join Carmen as she traverses a land of never ending darkness, braving the horrors within to get home and reunite with her son.

How I Arrived On The Path

Several years ago I was driving down a deserted highway late at night with my wife. We had just finished some business in a town about four hours away from home. Clouds blotted out the moon and the car’s headlights illuminated a solitary road enclosed on both sides by endless rows of dark trees. Numb to the hours of podcasts I had been listening to, I put my mind to a story. That story became the first book I ever wrote.

After months of editing and subjecting a friend to my first draft—thanks Rob—it was done. Many more months after that, a publisher picked it up—thank you Rogue Phoenix Press. Now Darkest Path is ready for your eyes. You can purchase the novel digitally or via print on demand using the links below.




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